Thursday, January 15, 2009

I do have to say that I expected -29 degrees to feel much colder.  I guess I am getting used to this or maybe its that eventually most degrees below zero just feel the same (really cold).  

Today I got to start helping in the library at the school.  Just doing simple things like moving books and entering new donations into the computer.  Apparently the Dewey Decimal System is still alive electronically (I thought it went extinct with those note card drawers).  I felt really good about it.  Apparently feeling useful is really important to a healthy state of mind.  
The baby has been really moving around lately and is doing something totally bizarre right now I don't even know what it is.  It feels like a small dough roller is rolling across my stomach!

"You know if you keep going down the road you're on, making the same choices, eventually, you're going to walk yourself right into prison, or being a dad who doesn't know how to be a dad, or not being able to experience any joy in life because your body has learned to only feel good when you're using drugs, and just a human that has so much less good in life than it could have."  That's what I would like to say to the guys here.  Not sure it would register.  Where do we find the motivation to rid ourselves of our familiar sins?  The ones we are comfortable living with?


Matthew said...

Jessica ~ Your last two questions are wonderful and thought-provoking. Do you mind if I attempt to answer them in a piece on my blog? I will be sure to give you full credit so as not to infringe upon copyright laws. :)

Jessica said...

no problem. I thinking my bigger question though is what is how does it affect a believers faith/christianity when they continue to live in a familiar sin? I'm not even really sure if motivation should be the question.